
For a secure and easy payment process, we work with PayPal as our external payment partner for our B2C customers. With PayPal Plus, our customers can pay via Credit Card and Direct Debit (ELV) WITHOUT having a PayPal account.

  • PayPal

When choosing PayPal as method of payment you will be redirected to PayPal where you can log in your PayPal account and finish the payment process secure and easy as always.

  • Credit Card

You can pay securely with Visa, American Express and Master Card without having a PayPal account.

  • Direct Debit (ELV) (available only within Germany & with a registered German address)

You can chose the payment method Bank (ELV) without having a PayPal account. For this method of payment, the customer enters their account information during the check-out process on the PayPal website. Please note that PayPal has very strict security checks for this payment method which can lead to a refused payment (not always reasonable). Please pick another payment method if this is the case for you.